What's Hot

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Cetaphil Penyelamat Di Kala Breakout!


Hi ladies, so i started my 2018 with sensitive, breakout skin. Yeah sedih hahah dah umur 25 tahun ni masih lagi hadapi masalah breakout. Maybe disebabkan oleh my lifestyle? Let's talk about it later sebab this time i just want to share with you guys about ... Cetaphil. Yes! Cetaphil.

Kenapa tiba-tiba Mellya bertukar ke Cetaphil?

Actually i'm not changing into it permanently, it was just because of my hormonal and sensitive skin yang tengah Mellya hadapi sekarang ni. Haha and the usual acne soap from Sendayu Tinggi could not help me this time lol So i was changing it into Cetaphil but still using acne cream and acne balm from Sendayu Tinggi sebab they are marvelous in taking care of my acne! Oh ya for your info due to my current problem too, i turn into Klairs Toner jugak sebab this one suitable for those yang ada masalah kulit sensitif too. 

Besides that another reason for the turnover is, adik Mellya pun hadapi masalah yang sama, suddenly breakout without control and she used Cetaphil. I'm still investigating sebab apa sudden breakout ni hahaha but Alhamdulillah she's back to normal. So Mellya pun... why not?

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

Okay for the begining, Mellya beli Cetaphil bersize 125 ml je, harga around RM 20 dekat Watsons. I didn't buy the moisturiser sebab dah ada pun moisturiser kat rumah. So Cetaphil memang sangat sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai kulit sensitif like me for certain period of time. Soap and fragrance free and memang tak memedihkan mata waktu mencuci. 

Actually i was afraid to use it, sebab pernah cuba pakai juga pencuci yang jenis macam ni but different bad.. and the result to my skin.. lagi teruk daripada biasa. However, this time everything changes! 

Sebelum Mellya kongsi pros and cons Cetaphil jom check dulu isi kandungan Cetaphil buatan Canada ni;

Ingredients: Purified water, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, stearyl alcohol, methyl ydroxybenzoate, propylhydroxybenzoate, butyl hydroxybenzoate

Kalau nak pakai menggunakan air, apply and rub pada muka secara lembut ye. Bilas.
If using it without water, apply and rub gently. Then remove excess using soft cloth.


  • The cleanser is so light and muka rasa lebih bersih lepas mencuci.
  • Sangat sesuai untuk kulit sensitif, radang and kemerahan
  • Tak mengeringkan kulit
  • Boleh digunakan tanpa menggunakan air.
  • Menanggalkan sisa makeup yang nipis. 
  • Bukan saja pakai di muka, boleh pakai di seluruh badan juga.
  • Lambat habis compared to acne soap im using before hehe


  • Bila tak da buih rasa macam tak puas pulak hehe
  • Tak dapat bersihkan heavy makeup
  • Tak de fungsi memutihkan or hilangkan parut kalau ada mesti letup haha 
  • Ada kandungan alcohol macam tak sesuai je untuk dry skin (yang ni kena check balik)

Even dia tak ada fungsi memutihkan, but still lepas guna akan rasa or nampak betapa bersihnya kulit korang. So i'm fine with it actually. Other bad consequences, for time being, tak ada lagi, cuma apa yang Mellya mention kat atas je. hehe So for those yang kadang-kadang mengalami moment-moment kulit sensitif tu boleh lah cuba. Oh ya before i forgot, Cetaphil deserve 4/5 stars, well recommended too ❤

*Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and humble review based on my experience. I am not paid for this review and I spent my own money on this product. Result may be vary depends on multiple factors and your skin conditions. I am not liable for any problems that might arise from trying out the product I review here.


  1. Teringin jgk nak try sebab muka akk bermasalah n kuar byk jrwt ni

    1. saya ni entah salah makan apa abis muka huhu pakai ni nasib baik okay. cuma parut ni lah

  2. Saya baru guna ni jugak. Very light cleanser. If kita pakai makeup, need to wipe & clean the makeup first. I hope my skin will behave nicely this year with this cleanser

    ☆ Atheera ☆

    1. betul tu, kena wipe makeup dulu dengan micellar or cleansing oil. Tak dapat cuci makeup heavy :)

  3. Mrs pip dulu guna Eubos, time zaman study la, muka mmg teruk ... tu pun letih nak try satu2 produk. End up try Eubos, nampak berkesan dgn kulit mrs pip time tu ...

    1. eubos famous gak kan pasal jerawat? saya pun masa zaman skolah pakai yg tu. skarang trend cetaphil hehe gatal cuba yang ni pulak :P

  4. ramai share kat miera yang cetaphil ni bagus. Tapi baca ni baru tau sedetail-detailsnya..thanks

  5. takpernah try lagi sebab cleanser skrg dah memang ok dengan sha haha

    1. pakai apa tu heheh cetaphil ni elok jadi backup time hormon tak stabil haha

  6. Ayu pakai cetaphil jugak! mula mula pakai memang tak puas sebab takde buih. Tapi lama lama ok. lapang dada sikit sebab pakai produk dermatologi tested. Itu yang penting. Sekarang ni banyak sangat produk skincare. Nak selamat, beli yang dekat drugstore je. hehehe

    1. kan? hehe awal rasa macam cuci.. tak cuci pun ada haha sebab biasa pakai yang jenis berbuih.. tapi lama2 pakai baru rasa ok

  7. Akak pakai jugak Cetaphil dulu tapi tak okay for me. Rasa takde kesan apa pun. But it works well on my husband’s skin. Dia lah yang habiskan Cetaphil yang dibeli. Hehe.

    1. kan? ada orang tak sesuai heheh sebab tu kena try and error :P

  8. Mai skrg melekat dgn Good Virtues Co pulak, haha. So far macam sesuai even adik cakap dia pakai jadi kering muka.

    1. Hehe mellya penah pakai yy tu , ada baca review tak? Okay gak tapi besala suka mencuba bnda baru hahaha

  9. i should give this a try la.. ramai share benda ni elok.. tunggu skincare skrang habis dulula. tapi muka xdela breakout. cuma tingin nak cuba hehe..
